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Tavaszi áldozat




The renewed version of The Rite of Spring first performed by the Yvette Bozsik Company in 1999 was prepared for the 100th anniversary of the 1913 premiere of Le Sacre du Printemps, with renewed costumes, scenic design and choreography at the request of the National Dance Theatre.

The Rite of Spring, from Igor Stravinsky’s Russian period, recalls ancient rituals predicting disasters with its brutal barbarism. The starting point of the original choreography was the ritual world of the legendary Nijinsky and Nijinska piece.

performed by the Yvette Bozsik Company

music: Igor Stravinsky
space, lighting: Pető József
costumes: Juristovszky Sosa
assistants to choreographer: Krausz Alíz, Vislóczki Szabolcs
choreographer: Bozsik Yvette

A honlapon található minden tartalom
a Bozsik Yvette Alapítvány
A fotókat Horváth Judit
A tulajdonosok minden jogot fenntartanak.